Being informed on our choices is a very real aspect of empowerment at every level. Humane treatment of Animals is an important value for our entire team at Elgin Free Range Chickens.
Below is a video that was compiled by a non profit organisation dedicated to giving a voice to the voiceless, compassionate farming, humane treatment and education regarding the welfare of animals. The Video highlights general facts around Broiler chicks in South Africa, many of which are why we are committed to our Free Range practices
There is no live footage or disturbing images in the video – some sad ones, but nothing too graphic.
Some more information on the organisation:
Animal Voice is a non profit organization. We rely solely on donations & sponsorship.
“We have a three-pronged approach:
- Animal Voice magazineis a voice for the voiceless. We expose the truth behind animal injustices in South Africa, as well as shine a light on the brave activists who make a difference to the lives of animals. Animal Voice is the only national magazine in South Africa dedicated to achieving better lives for farmed animals through consumer awareness and their buying power.
- Humane Education’s Caring Classrooms programmeprovides resources and presents workshops for teachers aimed at awakening a sense of empathy and developing core values. By rekindling the spirit of care and respect for all life, learners find a new sense of self-esteem and confidence. Our programme is curriculum-aligned and SETA accredited. “How we treat animals and how we treat each other are two stems that grow from the same root. If there are thorns of neglect, contempt or cruelty on one, we can be sure to find them on the other” – Ronald Swartz.
- Compassion in World Farming (South Africa) concentrates on the welfare of farmed animals. We work at government and retail level to achieve improvements for farmed animals and put an end to cruel factory farming. We create awareness about industrialized farming, empowering consumers to make a difference through their buying power. We engage industry, farmer organizations and retailers in finding solutions and alternatives to the inhumane system of factory farming. In doing so we bring about better lives for farmed animals.”
DONATIONS @ http://www.animalvoice.org/#!donate/cmg7